so much money

Just counting all the things I spent money on that we've never used for our little guy. 
Various bottles that he didn't like 
Toys that he wasn't interested in
1 white noise machine
1 machine that puts stars on the ceiling
A swing
A $200 stroller that sucks so we only use my jogging stroller 
A non video monitor. 
3 winter snow suits (that I didn't realize you can't put them in if they're in the car seat)
Binkies that he didn't like 
Swaddle sacks that he hated, like 10 of them 
Etc etc 
Ugh. So much crap. I'd guess somewhere around 2 grand worth of crap we never used. It's true what they say, all you need is a crib, a car seat and a few outfits 
Anyone else feel like an idiot for spending so much money on crap?