car seats

Omg can I say some people are just so damn stupid when it comes to car seat safety... like seriously do your research for fucks sakes!!! Nothing pisses me off more than people who do not properly buckle up their kids or put them in the proper car seat... and why do they do this?! Do they not value their kids lives?! I see so many people who oh my kids a big 3 year old he can sit in a booster... um no! Put the the kid in a 5 point harness the hell is wrong with these people?! Also turning your kids before they are 2 or older wth?! Like seriously is it worth the chance that it could kill your child don't you want the best for your kid and want what's safest?! Is it worth risking their lives?!
Sorry I see this shit on my Facebook all the time and it just pisses me off to no end... such irresponsible, selfish, bull shit is what it is...😡 rant over!!!!!