My delivery experience with twins. Everyday in the womb counts.

I had my twins at 31 weeks and 6 days. My EDD was March 27th but they came Jan 29th. I knew they were going to come early because I had a short cervix and had to get a cerclage (sew my cervix closed). That didn't seem to work for to long. When I got to the hospital I was 7cm. My bag was coming threw my cerclage. They had no time to cut it or it would had ripped. So I had to go into an emergency c section something I didn't want to do. But it was for the safety of my girls. Not only that twin B was transverse and I couldn't push her out. Needless to say my epidural didn't work so I was under sedation. Went in the OR pregnant work up not. Every time I work up they put me back. I was so high I couldn't remember a darn thing. I even asked my bf who the hell was he. Lol... All I could hear was crying I couldn't seem to focus on them as they showed me. They are doing just fine. Baby B has level 1 IVH which is bleeding in the brain due to immature development but nothing to worry about. They are both still in nicu and I'm ready to bring them home.