Anyone else had this problem...

I had my 3rd baby just over 2 weeks ago, everything went fairly straightforward but I did end up with several stitches and a minor graze, surprisingly I didn't feel any pain down below and I healed fairly quickly. Now, I must be mental because last night I felt ready to have sex (bleeding had stopped) when it came to foreplay with my fiance, I actually couldn't feel a thing down there 😕 it was like I was numb or something. We also noticed that it was actually my clit that got stitched as well, it's not as noticeable/long anymore but definitely no feeling to the area which is totally freaking me out! We decided to try penetration (condom on ofc! Lol) and I don't know if it's because I used too much lube incase I was too dry but when it came to the actual sex, it just felt weird 😕 maybe we should leave it for a few weeks until my body is 100% back to normal but I'm worried that our sex life won't be the same now 🙁 anyone else have a problem like this?