so absolutely frustrated with the marine corps

Let me start by saying I love my husband. I love my country. And I love the marine corps. But seriously. I'm so fed up with it all right now. I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant and I've got to spend 13 days with my husband in the last 9 months. 2 days in august when I got pregnant, and 11 days back in December. Things were finally lining up and we were closing on a house in NC at his new base and preparing to move me there next week. And he gets orders to go to Arizona for a field op for the next almost 3 months. He will be home 2 days after my due date. And when I say home, I mean NC. I'll still be in NM. So not only have I been alone this entire pregnancy I now have to give birth without him and be without him until our son is old enough to move cross country. I'm so frustrated and absolutely spiteful right now. He's set up for a deployment when our son is 6 months old too. 😭