My water broke with my son, but I wasn't having any contractions

My water broke with my son, but I wasn't having any contractions. So we took our time getting to the hospital. I was dilated to a 3 & 70% effaced
We got admitted & just hung out until we got the order for pitocin, by this time an hour passed. They started me on the pitocin, and about an hour and a half later the contractions were strong and intense, so I asked for an epidural. 45 minutes later he comes in & administers the epidural. He finishes up and they check me, I'm at a 10 and ready to push. 😳 i sat through and epidural at 10 cm! So needless to say, I felt the pushing and delivering the baby. Thankfully he was out in 3 pushes :) Reece Jacob born 2/18/17 @ 36 weeks 2 days. 5lbs 12 oz 18.5 inches long. He's absolutely perfect ❤ can't wait for him to meet his big brother!