my birth story...

Amy • Wife ✨ Momma to a little girl & a little boy #3 on the way!
So on Monday night (2/13) I went in to get induced. I was 37w3d. We were inducing due to a combination of my diabetes, high BP, and protein in my urine. I was checked earlier than morning and was dilated 1cm and 40% effaced. So we went into the hospital around 7:30. They put the cervadil in and we went to sleep. Around 6:30 in the morning we took the cervadil out and started pitocin. Around noon I got checked and I was only 1 1/2 cen. Dilated and about 60% effaced. I hit 20 on pitocin and stayed at 20 for at least 5 hours. And when I got checked again around 4:00 I had not made any progress. We decided to stop pitocin and go for a walk and take it easy the rest of the night. Around midnight they decided to try the foley bulb. Well, the midwife couldn't get it in. So around 3am we started slow again on pitocin. Around 5:30 am I was 4 cm and 90% effaced. So we broke my water. And then it really hit. Contractions were intense. Around noon I got an epidural and felt wonderful, lol. But then we started to notice that baby was having high accelerations and they figured it was baby trying to get into position. But then they started noticing the baby's HR was staying in the 190s. So they came in and stopped pitocin and gave me oxygen to see if it would help. The nurse said it wasn't a big deal but if the baby started "flat lining at 180" then they would worry. So she left the room and not even 5 minutes later the baby "flat lined" at 180 with no change and all of a sudden the nurses and my doctor RUSHED in and said emergency c-section. We have to go now. So immediately they were running around. I got prepped and so did dad. But I don't think my epidural was completely ready for this. Because I was in serious pressure/pain. The anesthesiaologist asked me if I felt like my legs were heavy and I wasn't sure so I said yes. He said if not we have to put you out. So I was miserable the entire time. It was the worst thing I've ever been through. But then at 1:43 my daughter was born. Unfortunately I couldn't be happy because I was in pain. But when they rolled me out to recovery I balled my eyes out. She weighed 7.1 lbs and was 19in long. And exactly my twin. The doctor said my uterus was hot and it looked like an infection was starting so they got her out in perfect timing. We both had to get antibiotics but we were both fine. My placenta had pretty much gone bad and stopped providing oxygen. But in the end, we are both happy and healthy. My Emerie Grace❤️