My Opinion!!

I understand that everyone has a different view then me, and I'm sure this post may offend some people, but this is my opinion and I want to share it. 
When I get on this app I see a lot of women that post stuff asking if they've been raped! It sometimes gets Annoying because all I see is " so I'm in a relationship very happy, but one night I got drunk and drove home with a stranger I laid in his bed I kissed him then he had sex with me I think I was just rapped or I've been messing around with this guy for like a year we have sex all the time well I called it off because he doesn't want nothing more, I went to stay the night and he has sex with me so he  raped me!
If you can voluntarily, and knowingly go home with a complete stranger, or go stay the night at your old flings house have sex then regret it because you cheated on your partner etc. and you don't want them to find out that's not rape that's guilt and your sharing it with us to find some type of reinsurance to make your mistake seem different then what it is. 
We've got to remember that rape is serious and these are people's life's and risk! I'm not saying that everyone that crus rape is lying but keep in mind that this isn't a game and should be taken seriously