shes here!!!!

Nancy • My name is Nancy Ortega I`m married and have a wonderful 3year old boy and a 3 month baby girl :)
Had a scheduled induction for 02/21/17 but she decided it was time. Got to the hospital at 
9:10 pm they had me monitored contractions were 5-6 minutes apart they checked me i was at 3 1/2 with a bulging bag of waters. At 12 am my water broke in triage and the contractions kicked in full speed i got my epidural like at 1am and at 2:30 the nurse came in to check dilation and her head was coming out lol i was at 10 just 2 pushes and she was born at 2:51 am on 02/19/17 💕🌸 ixchel lizbeth ortega