possible miscarriage 😭

I just need to vent, I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. So I am currently pregnant for the 3rd time after two losses (10&12 weeks) I am only 6w4d right now, I've been having bright red bleeding for over a week. I had an ultrasound Thursday which showed a healthy baby and hb. Last night the bleeding increased a tiny bit, not to much. It's every time I wipe but barely gets on a pad. Last night / this AM I had three quarter size clots. As of Thursday my ob said the bleeding is probably from the suppositories and not to worry. But now with the slight increase and a few clots I'm going crazy. I can't understand why god does what he does, why certain women who don't deserve their kids have it so easy but others have to fight for it. I'm just so sad. Even though he said it's probably just from the suppositories I can't help but see the clots and think this is it, I'm losing this baby too. 😭