second hand smoke..

28 weeks.

so my cousins are supposed to let me ride with them tomorrow to visit our grandparents.

but last time i was in a car with them there was a cloud of Marijuana smoke floating around. . .

im scared they will smoke on our 5 hr trip.. and its her car . and they are letting me ride without having to pitch in for gas. they know im pregnant but it didnt seem like a big deal to them last time i was in the car.

and im scared it will hurt the baby or make me test positive.

i live in cali and they always ask for urine at each prenatal visit.

should i just miss the trip. my grandparents are visiting. so idk when i will get the chance to see them . my grandma has alzheimer's and its getting bad. i wanted to see her before she completely forgots us /:

idk what to do