things I didn't know about labor

While pregnant I did a lot of reading about what to expect in labor and I mean a lot. However when I actually went into labor it was absolutely nothing like I expected. First off my "Water breaking" was not actually it breaking. My water broke up high in the sac so when it broke it just felt like discharge was coming out and it didn't help that you can still have discharge even after your water breaks. So it was a good 12 hours before I even went to the hospital to check if my water had ruptured. Second just because your in labor doesn't mean you will feel pain at first. I couldn't feel my contractions until I was 6cm. (Yeah very lucky me.) I didn't feel them for that long because he had poked a hole at the top of my amniotic sac so I didn't feel pain until my water broke fully. I will say when my water did break man could I feel pain. I mean I was asking for an epidural within 30 minutes of my water fully breaking. Third just because your a first time mom doesn't mean you will have a slow labor. I went from being 6cm and getting an epidural at 5:30 to having my epidural put in and having them check me and I was ready to push and actually did push on accident while he was putting the epidural in my back. It happened fast and I was very lucky to have had the epidural when I did. Lastly when it comes to screaming in pain keep your voice low. If you scream at a high pitch your body will tense up more than your contractions are already making you. So if you make your voice as low as possible it actually hurts less. Trust me it works. If you don't want to scream I also found phrase work. Threw the contractions I was having while he was putting the epidural in my back I kept repeating "The pains almost over. It's almost over. Just get threw this it's almost over." 
Hopefully this helps you know a little more about what may happen in labor. Happy to say I'm the mother of this beautiful baby boy.