I fear MIL might try to take over

So I'm a fairly patient person but I have my limits and once that limit is reached, that's a side you don't want to see. My MIL is Russian. Russians raise their babies a little differently simply because in Russia you don't have the store down the street to get diapers from (or at least didn't before). It's all cloth, babies are potty trained by the time they're 1  (at max 2) and if they're not there's something wrong with them. I don't mean that in a negative way but raising a kid today isn't the same as 30yrs ago and she raised her kids in Russia while we're in America. Today I'm 13 wks and 5 days but she bought me a dr Spock book at 6weeks and told me she raised my husband off of it it's a great book I should read it and I need to use it it's amazing. I told her I would read it but I plan on reading many books and deciding after what works for us. She went ahead bought this book and sent it to me at 6 weeks. We hadn't even had an ultrasound yet. She then tells me I don't need drugs for labor. she did it without drugs people have been doing it for years without drugs I don't need to. She then tells me she can come stay with me and help for a bit while my husband is deployed but I can already tell we're going to bump heads.  Does anybody have any advice or experience with this?