February IVF updates!

Corinne • TTC #2 for 4 yrs, 5 cycles Femara, 2 IUI, IVF #1 m/c at 12.5 weeks, IVF #2 no viable embryos, IVF #3 w/ Augment +HPT
Hi all! Just checking in to see how the February <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> ladies are doing. We are currently going on our 7th day of stims and I thought I'd share my experience so far. I struggled with some pretty severe headaches for the first couple of days but after lowering my dosage, we are now moving along nicely. I have started to really feel the discomfort from the growing follicles- strong lower back pain kicked in this evening and my abdomen is feeling very full and crampy. No crazy emotional outbursts (I'm sure my husband is relieved) but I have felt a bit more emotionally fragile than usual. I'm sure the hormones, stress, worry, anticipation, anxiety etc.. all play a part.  I started on 150 IU/ml of Gonal-F with one vial of Menopur. I responded rapidly and my Estradiol numbers were jumping by around 400 each day. After a few adjustments (and daily blood work) I am currently on 75 IU/ml of Gonal-F, no Menopur and my numbers have plateaued over the last two days in the 1300s. We added in Ganirelix (warning: that injection is a bit painful) and, right now, the plan is to trigger on Monday and retrieve on Wednesday! My follicle count is 26 and sizes are ranging from 6-14mm (majority from 11-14mm). I am also doing acupuncture 2x per week. It's my first experience with it and I have to say it's...different. I have heard wonderful things about pairing acupuncture with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and I am willing to try anything to make this round a success. How is everyone else doing? Good luck to you all!