Arrival of baby Lucas

My pregnancy was relatively textbook until 36 weeks when I found out I had developed pregnancy cholestasis. I thought the little bouts of itchiness I had on my arms and legs were due to itchy winter skin but I happened to mention it to my doctor and she suggested a blood test just in case. Unfortunately,the test was positive and I received the call from my doctor. I had to be induced at 38 weeks for precautionary measures, for the safety of the baby. This news was devastating to me as I was planning a natural drug free birth for my baby. 
I went into the induction with hopes of having the baby without pain meds or an epidural. Unfortunately, that didn't work out to well. I was given the foley ballon to stretch out my cervix to 3 cm and the doctor suggested I also take misoprostol. After 4 hours I was only 2cm dialated and the doctor gave me the second dose of misoprostol. My body didn't agree with the extra dose of misoprostol and a few minutes later I started getting intense non stop contractions and shortly after a team of doctors and nurses rushed into my room--put an oxygen mask on me, gave me a shot to stop the contractions, and broke my water to put a heart rate monitor on the baby's head. The doctor explained that the intense contractions were causing the baby's heart rate to drop to 70 (normally was 140). I was so shaken from that experience but thankful for them acting so quickly.
From then on the doctors decided to let my body to continue to contract by itself. 14 hours later I was only 3cm dialated and my body began to have back to back to back to back contractions with a minute break in between. It was excrutiating. I decided to go with an epidural and I honestly think it was the best decision I could've made. The doctors were telling me I may be in labor for 2 days and I couldn't fathom being in pain for so long 
With the epidural I started feeling some pressure and movement but didn't think much of it . The doctor came to check on me 4 hours after I was last checked at 3cm and I was 10 cm and ready to push!! I was in shock but so excited and 15 min of pushing later....
Lucas Gael was born!