follow up

I had a missed miscarriage at 9 1/2 weeks on feb 4. I had my follow up appointment today and I was under the impression from the last visit that they would do another vaginal ultrasound to make sure things were ok. I was there not even 5 minutes to talk to the doctor and she asked how things were going and if I had anything abnormal and sent me for blood work to see if my numbers were zero and I go back in a month to do the ultrasound and meet with her. Is this normal? I feel like this is real drug out, I really thought she would do it today and then I wouldn't have to go back until we try again. I'm so confused like if she wants to see me again bc of the pill I took to see how my next period goes or what the heck the deal is. Has anyone else had to have 2 follow ups after? I have only one close friend who has had one and she said she thought they would have done the ultrasound today too. Even the nurse before the doc came in said something to the effect that they "hope to see me again soon" like I  wouldn't be back until I was able to have another. This is just really bothering me that I have to wait another month and I just don't know if this is normal or not.