how to keep going..

I've chosen to stay silent for several days as I spent most of them crying. 
I found out Thursday I was going to lose my baby, by mid day Friday it happened. I lost the thing I loved so much. 
My husband has been the biggest supporter of my up and down emotions, we spent a large portion of Thursday night crying and holding each other. 
He is much more of the positive person than I am, so he has kept his spirits up as much as he can and to try to keep mine up and to not give up. 
I know I won't feel this way forever, but I still hate everything and don't know how to want to keep going, I obviously still want children, if anything I'm more obsessed with it now than I ever have been. But now I'm more scared than ever. 
I know there are many other of you that have been through worse and seeing you guys finally get your positives makes me ridiculously happy, but I just don't know how to get the strength to keep trying....
Any kind of advice or personal experiences are more than welcome...
I just needed to get it off my chest I guess...