first round starting

Hi my husband and I have been trying since June of 2015. January 2016 af was late went in for beta and negative so set up an appt with obgyn. Discovered I had pcos so started metformin. Fast forward to April first round of Clomid did 3 more rounds total of 4 failed rounds with obgyn. Made and appt with an re to find out I had 4 large cysts so 2 months of bcp for me. Then October comes do 100 mg of Clomid with trigger. Nothing. U/s and 4 more cysts so surgery here I come. 2 months of bcp and surgery. To find out at my post op u/s there's already a cyst forming. We do 2 more rounds of Clomid and trigger with double <a href="">iui</a> and negatives all around and terrible periods. So today I started the process for <a href="">ivf</a> (suggested by my re) I had my blood work done. Wednesday I go for the test with he camera:/ and husband goes for SA and bloods. The 7th of march consalt to discuss labs and timelines and march 15 my shot training. 
It's all happening so fast and it's a lot to keep straight. How did you ladies keep everything straight and organized? 
Sorry for the long post any help/suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!!