Owen update 2/20/2017

Here's a quick update on my baby boy: 
So far he has been doing pretty well. We had a few rough days last week but by the weekend he's been doing much better. The medicine he was given to help close his PDA had worked and is now smaller than it was before which is good. Right now we are trying to figure out if he has an infection because last week he had been showing signs of infection so we are in the process right now to see if he does or not. He has been staying stable so far since Friday. Vitals look pretty good and he is still on the ventilator for oxygen. He also now weighs 1lb and 13 oz! So he's getting close to being 2 lbs. the small bleed on his brain that they had found has not gotten any bigger and will have a next scan next month on the 12th to check the status of that. Doctors are not very concerned about it bc 1. It is very very small and has not gotten any bigger. 2. The bleed they found is not actually in his brain, seems to be on the top which won't cause him any type of damage. They said this is common for preemies. Also, his right lung was collapsed and now it has gotten much better which is great to hear. I will post a new update in another few days. Thank you once again for the love and prayers and wonderful comments y'all leave on my posts! Means the world to me. Love you all and hope everyone is doing well! Xoxo 