Getting stared at like if being pregnant is a crime

I've had people at my job (mostly women) give me what feels like dirty judgmentmenal looks. This is my first pregnancy and I feel like when they stare at my belly and then look up at me they start judging me. I've had 2 customers congratulate me, ask me the gender of my baby and then ask me how old I am. I'll be turning 22 in June so I just tell them I'm 22. The look on their face is priceless because they tell me I look like I'm 16 or 17. I guess that's the reason why I feel I get dirty looks. It's so weird tho it's mostly men that congratulate me and ask me how far along I am. Has anyone else felt like they get stared at and judged ? If you have how do you deal with it ? I feel like crying at times because for one being pregnant makes you very hormonal and having people look at you a certain way makes you feel like being pregnant is a crime or a bad thing :(