I need to vent... Sorry

Ashley • Oliver: 10/6/16 💙 Baby #2: 9/30/19
So today every other word out of Eric's mouth has been something sexual and I have told him time and time again not interested today at least not right now but then he sits on his chair across the room plays his xbox1 (call of duty) and when there is a timeout in the game he picks up the iPad and plays clash of clans REALLY??? Why the hell would I want to suck anything of yours or let anything of yours come near me... BAH it's so annoying I mean thankfully Lucy is in her kennel napping so I don't need to watch her but if she was out then I would have that while he plays his shit and then when I say anything about it he jumps down my throat oh sometimes I just want to strangle him!!!' 😡😡😤😡