My update: bad luck?

Hey ladies,
Unfortunately, I have to have another D&C tomorrow. 
My doctors saw some retained "products of conception" (POC's) on US last Friday, so I did misoprostil over the weekend. Unfortunately, that didn't do much & my repeat US today still showed POC's. Hence the repeat d&c tomorrow. 
Thankfully, I'll be under general anesthesia this time, since the IV sedation didn't work for me last time. Also, the procedure will be under US guidance, as the pathology report from my first d&c showed that they might have perforated my uterus. Ah.. The curse of the nurse! 😣 
I'm so ready to be back on the TTC wagon again... But it will be at least a couple more months before that. 
Anyway, sending you all so much gratitude for you love & support, prayers, thoughs, well wishes & good vibes!!