MIL issues

Jocelyne • I have a beautiful 3 year old baby girl one watching me from above hoping I can hold this one in my arms ❤️🌈
Sorry it's long 
So my husband is a mommas boy even though he doesn't admit it and we are planning to get a house together in the future we are currently expecting our second child and my daughter loves her grandma and I for that love her too but 2 years ago we used to live together before we had our first and we did not get along at all when we would have arguments she would butt in and one time even told him to leave me and pay child support (that was when I bearly had my baby) she would always complain of how I did everything in her house anyway we moved away finally on our own apartment and we have a great relationship but every time there is talk about us getting a house she says I will sell my house (she has a mobile home) to help us get a house and I'm thinking but wait where are you going to go so I tell my husband tell her to not sell her house and we can do this on our own and he says I'm going to tell my mom to live with us when I have my house and I'm like noooo we have such a good relationship I don't want her to live with us but every time I bring it up he gets mad and says I am we had issues about this before that it's not just him it's us it's still kind of an issue I want to get a job cause he says he wants to rent a room for his mom to help him with the rent and stuff (when we get the house) and I get angry cause why does he always want to live with his mom and rely on her I honestly will get a job pregnant I don't care and I will work hard so he won't feel like he needs his mom to help him out it makes me angry cause why did he convince my to have another baby if he feels like he can't handle the responsibility alone without the help of his mommy 🙄🙄🙄 also he thinks I'm selfish but idk how I don't anybody living with us I just want it to be me him and our babies like can't I enjoy when we have our house alone with my family ?? Oh and it's not the first time her putting things on his head of us moving together lord this lady can't take a hint?!