36 week checkup gave me a run for my money...

It's been a long day!!! At my regular 36 week checkup today the doctor noticed that my baby's heart is skipping a beat. Needless to say, as a mom, it scared the living shit out of me. This wasn't my 'normal' doctor, but I see a group so it's common. She didn't have the best bedside manner and essentially just brushed it off yet told me to go see a pediatric cardiologist. At the same time, she did my strep-b swab and checked to see if I was dialated at all. Big fat ZERO. UGH!!!! So I left the doctors office in tears from the news of my baby having a heart arrhythmia and not being dialated at all. 
I get to the car and call the pediatric cardiologist and the earliest appointment they have is Friday at 7:45am. I lost it and walked back into the doctors office (sort of) demanding that they call to get us in today. Due to mine and my husbands schedules and both of us having today off, this worked best and let's face it... when it comes to your baby's heart, you don't mess around with time. Finally after an hour of waiting, I get a call back saying they could take us today at 12:45. It took from 12:45-2:00 to get the fetal echo done (essentially just an ultrasound of the baby's heart) and another 2:45 for the doctor to read the images and give us the results. What is happening is premature ventrical contractions that should stop once he's born. The doctor agreed not to worry about it and that no additional testing is needed. 
What they also told menand I found this interesting... is that I should stop using lotion with cocoa butter in it as the caffeine within the lotion could be causing this. I was also told no caffeine or chocolate (damn) until the baby is here. I hadn't been consuming caffiene at all other than chocolate here and there anyway but apparently there's enough in the cocoa butter to mess with things too. No one ever mentioned this previously and none of the ob's in the group I see asked.
We're home relaxing but holy smokes did today give me a run for my money!! Up until this point I was patient regarding when he comes but now I'm so ready for my baby to be here.