My experience with EPO!

Their_Mommy 💟 • Blog meant to help the suffering 💛
So ladies I would like to add my personal experience, because I know that at about 36weeks I began extensive research on these guys and whether it was beneficial. What I found is this, I do believe it helped me, not so much in the 'speeding up labor' but definitely helped my cervix soften and I DID NOT TEAR! 🎉 That part is a huge deal to me because my first two babies were 8lbs 15oz and 8lbs 12oz, and I tore ): this baby was 9lbs 11oz and I did not!! 
I also drank a lot of the raspberry leaf tea, and my baby almost came before my doctor arrived because my 'practice pushes' were very effective and strong. My first baby I pushed for 45mins (he was also stuck) my second I pushed for roughly 15, this baby was out in 5mins of pushing.
So I recommend talking with your drs, and if you're cleared, try it ladies. (: