Finally I can be like so many other mommies and share their joy

Finally I can be like so many other mommies and share their joy. My baby boy was born today at 39+4 weeks. It's still sinking in that I am a mommy and created such a beautiful piece of life's art
Dean Randall Roberson was born February 22,2017 at 6:57pm. He weighed in at 7lbs and 9oz (bigger than both mommy and daddy were) and measured at 19inches. 
Unfortunately he has to spend 48 hours in the NICU to be monitored for infection. I developed a high fever of 102.3 during delivery and have been throwing up all during labor and twice after. So poor baby also had a fever which my husband has informed me is gone (as well as mine...5 hours later). Little man is such a trooper. He didn't even cry when he got his IV or shots. I get to go see him soon and I'm so excited. I held him maybe 2 minutes after delivery and that's it. 
I just wanna also say my husband has been so supportive and amazing through it all. He's definitely making out to be a wonderful daddy too. ❤️ I'm beyond proud of him and more than lucky to have him and our son.