Crazy Birth Story

I just gave birth to my third baby! I went to the hospital last night around 1:15am. I had passed mucus plug and started having contractions every 5 mins. I assumed since I was on my third pregnancy, I had this down. BUT no, I was sent home (within 30mins) because I wasn't contracting enough and was only 2 cm. I get home at 3:00am. 
At home I can't sleep. My contractions seem to be stronger. I kept telling myself "nurse said I'm not ready, I have a weekly check up today. Just hold off until 1:00pm" 
So it's 5:00 am and I'm contracting more often. I get my son ready for school around 6:45. Pack my husband and son's lunch. 
My husband asks me multiple times if I feel okay and I tell him "I don't know. I thought I was ready but the nurse told me otherwise, go ahead and go to work" 
8:00am- I call my husband to turn back around! I couldn't take it anymore! I figured that nurse that saw me wouldn't be there and I'll get a second opinion. There's no way these were 2cm contractions. 
8:30- husband shows up at my doorstep and we take off to the hospital once again. 
8:50- we get off at valet and I have my face dug into my pillow that I brought from home. I want to cry but I didn't want to seem like a wimp with only "2cm contractions" I thought to myself , "I can't wait for my epidural"
We quickly make it to L&D. They're asking me for my name and I can barely speak. 
The nurse shows me to my room and I throw my pillow and purse on the floor and run to the toilet. I swear I felt like I was going to poop myself. So I sit on the toilet and push that poop out lol  EXCEPT it wasn't poop!! It was my daughters head coming out!! I was crowning on the toilet and I yell to my husband to get help. 
About 10 nurses come running in. I don't know how but I managed to walk to the bed. Nurses are pulling my clothes off as I'm walking to the bed. Another nurse is walking next to me cupping her hand on the crowning head.
At last I get to lay down! An on call doctor shows up out of no where and I push twice and my daughter was here!!! At 8:56am I was in total shock! There's no way THAT just happened. It felt so unreal! 
So many things could have gone wrong but I am so blessed we made it to the hospital on time. 
Lauren Rae
7lbs 4oz 19.5in