Moving On? - Cheating husband and Pregnant

I don't want to make this long. Background: my husband and I have been together for 8 years, married 4. He had sex with his child's mother a few months before we got married. He apologized and said it meant nothing, we got married and things seemed fine. Fast forward to a month ago, his son has been living with us for a few years because she can't get her life together. Well, she came to visit the son for the first time in years and during drop off ( my husband picked him up) and by a weird coincidence (most likely God) I drove past the place and saw their cars were still there after the time they should be. He was sitting in her car kissing her. I have a baby and am pregnant with our second, and I honestly don't know what to do. I know the kid is innocent but I don't want to live here so long as he is here, but I don't want my kids growing up without their dad anymore than I want his son to be separated from his dad. Any advice on how to move on? Divorce? Counseling? Positive vibes and prayers are welcome