need an advice!!!

Christine • MC at 5w and lost baby at 17w due to chromosomal pathology. TTC for each of them for 8-9months. TTC again since September 17. Physiotherapist.
I am currently 17dpo,got my bfp at 11dpo. 
I had a miscarriage last year at 5w (there was spotting on implantation and then a one and a half week after it,and then I got a really heavy and long period,everything accompanied by cramping) 
Now I was taking HPTs just to be sure that my lines are not getting lighter,and they weren't till today. There is a photo of tests- top one is today,bottom one yesterday. I am afraid,that it is getting lighter!! And I've been having cramps on and off the whole time since first bfp. 
Any opinions??  I am so stresssed and afraid,that I am gonna have a MC :(((