pregnancy pictures

Did you get maternity pictures alone? I'd really like to get them done, but I feel pretty dumb and alone getting them done myself, but my boyfriend refuses to get any with me and right now I'm not sure where our relationship stands(due to other reasons)... but I'm just so excited to be a mom and so in love with my son already. Also I've been thinking about getting some boudoir maternity pictures done cause I've been feeling a little down about myself so I just thought it'd be something to make me cheer up. But it's not like I'd really have anyone to show off to besides myself because I probably wouldn't post on social media those kinds of pictures but idk and Obviously things aren't the best between me and my SO so i probably wouldn't show those to him. So not sure if it's a good idea... and advice/suggestions on getting pictures done alone and if it'd be a good idea to do boudoir pictures done?