Having a baby can mean life or death (my long and dramatic birth story)
I am 2 months late but better late than never, right?

I was one of those women who were fortunate enough to have a very smooth and easy pregnancy. No morning sickness, no swelling, almost no symptoms, I was up and about and in great health throughout (thank God). I carried full term and was set to be induced on her due date. All was well so I didn't expected the delivery to go any different..we were excited.
On December 18th at 3:00 PM, my SO and I set off to the hospital, which was conveniently located 7 minutes away from my house. I got settled into my room and at 5:00 PM they administered cervidil which kickstarted my labor so I ended up not needing pitocin, which I was happy about.
Everything else went according to plan. My water broke on its own, I opted for epidural because your girl couldn't handle the pain. Delivery was amazing. I had my SO, my mom and my twin sister (she was recording) in the room with me. We were laughing and talking about all the food I was gonna eat after I gave birth. I pushed her out in 30 minutes, and on December 19th at 1:02 PM my little Olivia was born, 7lbs 15oz, 21 inches. My beautiful baby girl.
After getting to hold her for 30 seconds, they rushed her off to NICU because she swallowed amniotic fluid which was stained with meconium and they wanted to make sure she didn't get an infection, it was precautionary and I wasn't worried. I suffered 2nd degree tears but I was feeling good. Had something to drink, saw my family, talked for a bit the went to sleep.
That's when shit hit the fan...
At around 4:00 PM the nurse woke me up to help me go to the bathroom to pee then take me too see my baby. I was walking fine and I felt no pain, no anything. While on the toilet she started massaging my stomach to get any cloths out. I heard a huge slash in the toilet (lots of blood) and immediately felt dizzy. I looked at the nurse and told her that I was feeling light headed so she helped me up and we started walking towards my bed, next thing I know Im waking up on the floor with 5 nurses standing over me, asking me my name and if I knew where I was. I had passed out. They put me back to bed, administered some IV Fluids and I was starting to feel better.
At 6:15 PM or so a nurse came in to try to get me in a wheel chair so she could take me to see my baby. ( still haven't seen her since she was first born). I sat up in bed and next thing i know I'm waking up again with nurses and doctors looking down at me and asking me questions. I asked what happened and they told me I had a seizure. A seizure so bad that they called a code blue and there was a crash cart in my room. At this point in scared and asking the doctor if I was gonna die.. no one could figure out why I kept seizing every time I sat up.
They checked my hemoglobin level and saw that it was dangerously low. I ended up having to get two emergency blood transfusions and after everything a nurse told me that she was surprised that I was still fucntioning because with levels that low I should have been dead. I was feeling much better the next day. I was able to walk, eat and even got to spend time with my daughter in NICU and she was doing amazing. I thought to myself that the worse was behind us. We got to take little Olivia home and we spend our first Christmas together as a family.
I was having a little bit of spotting which is normal. 10 days after Christmas I noticed that the bleeding was starting to get heavier- like HEAVY and I was feeling cramp like pain. I thought it was normal but I decided to call my doctor just to let them know. I was surprised when I was told to go to the er immediately because given what I went through at the hospital, they didn't want to take any chances. Fine. I went reluctantly because all I wanted to do was spend time with my new family.
This was stupid on my part but..
For some reason it was so damn busy that day. They ran a few tests on me but after each test, I ended back up in the waiting room. I ended up being in the waiting room for 7 hours! I was breast feeding so my breast were engourged, hard and leaking and I was in pain and miserable..so I walked out. I KNOW, I KNOW. But I needed to pump and no one was helping me. I was 7 minutes away so i figured if they needed me I could just hurry and come back. I went home, pumped, ate and ended up falling asleep.
At 1:30 AM, I woke up to 12 missed calls from the hospital and 8 from my doctor along with a voicemail. On that voicemail was my doctor telling me to go back to the er right away because the ultrasound I did showed that I had remaining placenta inside my body and I needed it removed asap to avoid infection. I woke my SO up and we went back to the er. They scheduled me for a D&C at 7:00AM THAT SAME MORNING. So running off little sleep, I went to the hospital to get the procedure done. I was put under so I didn't feel a thing.
With the placenta being inside me for so long after birth everyone at the hospital were surprised I didn't develop an infection. I ended up being in and out of the er because of high grade fevers and had to get constant blood work done to monitor for infections. Everyone at the hospital knew my face and I was so use to being pricked and poked that I was numb. Luckily I was free of infections and all the placenta was removed.
Going through all of that, not being able to bond with my daughter like I wanted to for weeks after her birth and having my milk dry up because of the amount of medication I was taking, made me really depressed and it's something that I'm trying to deal with currently.
I'm not saying that what happened to me was normal because I'm not sure how often that happens. But there are risks that come with giving birth that I didn't even think of, going in. I now have so much more respect for my body and for every woman who decides to bring life into this world. It's such a selfless act and the crazy thing is, I would do it all again if that means having my little girl in my life. She is worth it and more.
I'm not writing this to scare anyone, every situation is different, every person is different, every story is different. This is just to let everyone on here know that you are strong and you can do it! ❤❤
Thanks for reading my story ❤

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