pregnancy fail

Rub a dub dub guess who's pregnant butt got stuck in the tub!!!  😂 
I just wanted to shave my legs and thought ok I can sit down in the tub. As I had a few times before. Got down easy. Shaving at 28 weeks with a very popped tummy and baby fighting me every step of the way like she was thinking I will save you from the evil blade mommy, meh got 80% done. But. BUT!!!! Getting back to me feet. Ya that wasn't gonna happen. My soap made it too slippery plus my anatomy kept getting suction to the bottom of the tub. (That's never happened hope never will again). I felt like a beached whale. Texted hubby to save me but wasn't coming fast enough as the water was turning chilly so texted daughter who I know has to laugh as who would expect a text of get Jeff, I'm stuck in the tub lol. Oh man do I feel pregnant. 
My poor ligaments and weakened tummy muscles really just can't handle stuff like that. 
Well nothing like having a good laugh right. 77 days to go. Sticking to showers here on our 😂😂😂