Judgement RANT!

In my town, there is a low income apartment complex that caught fire today. They're saying a meth lab blew and a whole building (multi story) and half another building caught fire and it took hours to put out. On Facebook, all I'm seeing are posts like "I'm not surprised, they're welfare bums" the lab was in ONE APARTMENT and the fire just spread from there. But ALL these people care about is the meth lab. What about all the people who lost everything they own in the fire? Who now don't have a place to stay? People are even saying that they refuse to help because they "deserved it". I'm literally so mad. Just because it's low income doesn't mean every one there is a drug addict! I put in an application to that apartment complex just recently because money is tight and I don't have 500+ a month for rent. But I'm not a drug addict. I'm not a "welfare bum". It really burns me up.