Wow she's adorable xx ❤❤❤
The birth of Kinsleigh Elise❤️❤️❤️
I am a first time mom so I have always been told that I would most likely, with out a doubt go past my due date of March 1st. I had come to terms with this. When I turned over Into my 36th week I got really sick with the flu, but by my next doctors appointment I was already feeling a lot better. Well the day after my 37th week doctors appointment I woke up with a terrible migraine that wouldn't go away with anything I took and I had a fever that would spike to 101 degrees. I called my doctor just to be safe and she told me to go to labor and delivery to be evaluated. So I called my fiancé and he came home from work and we headed to the hospital, we assumed we would be there for a couple of hours so they would give me something for my migraine and break my fever. Those couple of hours turned into a over night because my blood pressure was so high, normally I have very low blood pressure. So, they started running tests for preeclampsia and depending on what the results were we would be starting an induction in the morning. By the next morning my test results showed that I did not have preeclampsia but my blood pressure was still a little high, regardless they sent me home and told me to take it very easy until my next doctors appointment the following Wednesday. I did just that. At my 38th week appointment they decided to have me do a 24 hour urine collection since my blood pressure was still high. I did my urine collection and turned it it on Friday morning. Knowing that I wouldn't get the results probably for a couple of days given it being the weekend I decided I was going to try some at home inducing tricks to see if I could get labor started. On Saturday I was really active in the morning I went for a long walk then decided to deep clean my car since it was such a nice day. Then that evening me and my fiancé went to Buffalo Wild Wings to get some spicy wings. After we ate we went to target to do some more walking around then when I got home I tried doing different stretches and sitting in different positions to help bring baby girl down more. Then we were going to have sex to see if maybe that would do the trick but being go go go all day this pregnant momma was exhausted so we just went to bed. I woke up on Sunday to a lot of lower back pain and contractions but nothing was consistent. So, I spent the entire day deep cleaning my house because I didn't want to go into labor have a dirty house then come home from the hospital and have to clean it. All day long I had contractions and the lower back pains but again nothing was ever consistent enough so I went to bed around 10:30pm. At 1:00am Monday morning I woke up because I had a very painful contraction realizing I also needed to pee I went to the bathroom, knowing that contractions on a full bladder hurt so much worse. When I went pee I wiped and it was straight blood. I didn't know if this was my bloody show or not because I thought it was supposed to be more mucus than anything. I didn't know what to do but I knew that my back pain and contractions were very painful so I woke up my fiancé and told him what was going on then I got in the shower to let the hot water run on my back. After about an hour of being in the shower I got out and when I went pee again there was more blood. I decided then that just in case I wanted to go to the hospital especially not knowing how my blood pressure was. I got all of our stuff and baby girls things together then woke my fiancé up we both got dressed and headed to the hospital. When I got to the hospital they checked me and I was at a one and a "wiggle". They hooked me up to the machines and saw that I was having pretty painful contractions and wanted me to stay for an hour or so and walk around to see if I dilate anymore if not they would send me home. While walking the halls my contractions were coming every 2 minutes, we walked for an hour and a half. When I got checked again I was at a 3 but still not technically in active labor. They gave me Tylenol to take the edge off, funny joke because Tylenol doesn't touch a contraction, and something to try and relax my uterus, basically if I wasn't in actual labor it would stop my contractions. They told me to either walk for another hour or I could get in the spa. I opted for the spa. I was in there for an hour before my contractions were starting to get unbearable. I decided to get out and go back to my room to be checked again. When they checked me I was at a 4 meaning they were going to keep me. This was about 7:30 am. I got moved to an actual room and told them I wanted an epidural as soon as I could get one. I ended up getting my epidural at 11:00am that's when my doctor came in and checked me confirmed I was at a 5 and broke my water. At noon they came and checked me again I was then at a 7-8, they decided to have my lay with a peanut ball between my legs to help open my pelvis. At one they came back to check me and I was at a 9 that's when they decided to start getting the room ready for delivery. By 2:10pm I was pushing, by 2:29pm my precious baby girl was in my arms. She came out absolutely perfect 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long. I had minimal tearing that just needed a few stitches. I was not expecting to go into labor before my due date but I am so happy I did because it's giving me extra time with my baby, who is already a week old today. 

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Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.