Pre-cancer & a second child...need some advice

I have pre-cancerous cells in my uterus and cervix and my doctor informed me they could become active cancer at any time. This would result in either treatment and/or a full hysterectomy. 
Just a little insight: 
I have a 1 and a half year old daughter. Her father and I are on questionable terms but we have both discussed another child as we want our daughter to have a sibling. I live with my parents and I'm trying to save money to eventually move out on my own. I'm worried that my time is ticking for another child. I don't know what the future holds and I don't know if when I'm "ready to have another" if I will be able to. I just need some advice as to what I should do. I feel so much pressure from myself to have a second child now just in case I may not be able to in the future given my condition. I provide a stable environment for my daughter and have a full time job with good income it is just hard in my area to be able to afford an apartment or house/place of my own but it will happen with time. If you were me what would you do? I don't have many mom friends to talk to but the ones I do have, have said they would just try for another now to ensure I will have at least a shot to conceive. 
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.