sorry it long birth story

yerica • Hi am Yerica 26years old mother of a handsome boy and 2 beautiful girl
Here is the unbelievable birth story of how I had my baby girl 2-26-17 normal day for me started of very good had sexual relationships with my fiancé but everything was prettty good he said he saw some mucus so I went to take a shower everything was pretty normal but about an hour later I started feeling moderate cramping but didn't really pay much main to it sense my doctor told that it could be possible that I'll have contractions after sex but they started coming and going and I was getting a little worried because the pain was different than my first so I really didn't know about 15 contractions later I decided to go to the er so they could checked me better be safe than sorry they said they couldn't do much because they don't deliver baby but I didn't went there for that just wanted to know if it was contractions or just having back pain they then send me to the big hospital and at this point the pain is getting a little bit worst they before that's when I knew something was not right so they put the monitor on me and I was contracting they checked me I was only 3 cm dilated the contractions started getting a little mild about an hour or so she comes and checked me again only 3cm so they tell me they going to send me cause am not processing I go home fill the tub with hot water stayed in it for about 10 minutes or so I couldn't take the contractions anymore and we called the ambulance they came my contractions were 3 minutes apart I get to the hospital again and am 9cm they broke my water and right then and there baby girl head was almost out I was so mad they send me home but at the same time am glad cause it got to have my baby in my arms even if it was 3 weeks early but she is perfect and I wouldn't change it for the world
Yashaliez Alexa 5lb 1.5oz 18 in long 2-27-17 at 12:00am my perfect baby girl