Unisex Bathrooms?

I was talking to my husband about one of my posts today and he was appalled at some of the comments that were degrading transgender people. Some people seem to have an issue with the fact that trans people are allowed to use whichever bathroom they identify with because, "what if someone poses as a transgender woman to molest women?!" 
My husband made a statement to me that made me think. He said, "what if a law was created that required all establishments to have a unisex bathroom along with the transitional bathrooms? That way if a transgender person felt uncomfortable using whichever bathroom, they would have a comfortable place to go where they wouldn't be judged." 
What do you guys think about this? Do you think it would be a good idea or no? 
I'm not sure if it would solve the issue. I just wish everyone would be more accepting and stop worrying about everyone else's genitals 🤷🏻‍♀️