My unexpected (Long) birth story!!

It all started on 29th of December, when my doctor decided to induce pain as I reached my due date. I went to the hospital and the process began.

Before that i must tell you that this was an assisted pregnancy with Hmg and clomid as i had PCOS. It took me more than a year and a half to conceive. My doctor asked me to take a break if i dint conceive that month and then consider <a href="">IVF</a> after so many unknown reasons of failures. I suffered from bleeding,and possibilities of down syndrome in my baby was shown in the level 2 scan. This all accompanied with IUGR. We almost gave up after so many attempts. Therefore as per my OBGyn this was a precious pregnancy of course!

Back to the hospital, the medication started on 30th morning. I started having contractions and could not take the 5cm i decided to take an epidural. It was 3pm and i was in extreme pains by then. My water broke and it became too hard to handle. At 4pm the process of epidural begun and i was told that i will get 80% relief from this. Yes it was true. But the 20% where it wore off from was my left side lower abdomen. It was one hell of a pain! The contractions were getting stronger and painful! Epidural dint help at all. At 9 i requested for my doctor to be there as it was unbearable. By chance she had her another patient enter the hospital with extreme pains and she had to attend her first.

The junior doc was there but she said nothing can be done for now. I was exhausted and couldnt push. I was 10cm dilated and everybody could see the head. But it was stuck and not moving out. At 11.30pm my doctor decided to do c sec as the contractions were getting shorter and time taking.

I was shifted to OT with pains and epidural was removed and i got a spinal anaesthesia.

At 11.44 pm my beautiful daughter was born!!

It was all very painful but totally worth it! She was healthy.

Thank you for reading this.