Husband hates midwife/home birth idea

He doesn't want to spend the money, even though I have medi cal which will reimburse us later. He thinks it's stupid to have a non doctor just 'standing and doing nothing' for 3,500, and if we end up in the hospital anyway he'd prefer we had just done that in the first place. He won't compromise. I'm scared of having a hospital birth and feel like my say means more but he won't listen to the benefits of having a home birth with a midwife in an environment that will not overly stress me out. This is my first pregnancy, will be my first birth. I already had depression before and now I have antenatal depression, I don't wanna be unhappy where I'm giving birth to my firstborn. I don't know what to do. I feel like if I do have to give birth in the hospital I'll not have the perfect birth and develop postpartum depression.