My induction story

I was induced with my first at 38 weeks due to obstetric cholestasis. It was a long process... at 4pm on the Tuesday they inserted the 24 hr pessary.. cervix wasnt dilated. checked it again 4pm Wednesday not much change but pessary wasn't in optimum position... they readjusted it and left it for a further 8 hours. Had some mild cramping... Checked again at midnight and I'd slightly dilated. They had to take it out and let me sleep. Thursday morning they checked me again and decided it would be easier on me to have a 6 hour gel tablet inserted. That felt like it did nothing but when they checked me later I was around 3cm. I was sent to have waters broken and they expected to use the drip. But as soon as my waters went at 7pm the contractions started, and the midwife said she didn't think I'd need the drip. I had the epidural as was in agony. Started pushing at around 7am Friday but not much progress. Dr came in after 2 hours to check. I was really hoping that after everything that happened so far it wouldn't end in emcs. Turns out she was so big that she couldn't get out with my pushing. They decided to do ventouse delivery and within seconds the room was filled with people. Emily Nicole was born at 9:13am Friday after episiotomy. 9lbs. Ouch!!