Another chemical pregnancy

Ashley • Married in 2011, 1 babygirl born 6.15.18 ♡military family

Watching the test get lighter and now I'm bleeding. I knew it was too good to be true. I also know that my fkn uterus hates me... the feeling is mutual. I dont believe my body will ever let me have a successful pregnancy.

3.5 yrs of trying so hard for a much wanted baby of our own. Injections, pills, procedures ughhh, makes me want to puke. Then there is all the misscarrages and chemical pregnancies...

Anyway, thank you to everybody who wished luck and sent prayers.

I'm going to avoid this <a href="">glow app</a>, like I normally do when this happens. Unless of course I have to log a period because my damn brian can't remember on my own. OR I get that false hope of having a successful pregnancy, and get that stupid slight excitement and start asking people who have had successful pregnancies for advice.

Now I have to go disappoint my husband, again. 😢... thats really what breaks my heart the most. I feel like a failure.

It's been real ✌