HCG Blood Test Waiting Results

So I went to the doctors on Wednesday (March 1st) due to the fact that I am 4 weeks late for my period. 
I took a test the day of my missed period and there was no line, so I thought that maybe I would just be a day or two late. 
But now, at almost 9 weeks since the first day of my last period, and having pregnancy symptoms, I had decided to go to the doctors. 
Now, the doctor I got (I went to an OBGYN), she wouldn't let me talk at all. Every time I went to say something, she'd cut me off. 
If I told her my boobs were sore, she said it was just a sign my period was coming. 
When I told her that I was bloated, she said it was just a sign of my period coming. 
I told her that I have very specific signs of an oncoming period that I've had since I first got my period at 12 years old (I'm not going on 20) and those signs are very bad cramps and really bad diarrhea. 
She says "well than it's a good thing you don't have those signs this time." And laughs. 
I thought that maybe she would do a urine test or maybe even an exam like a PAP smear or something... but she did nothing. 
She sent me over to get my blood drawn, and before she left I asked her when the results will be in. 
She said "oh, they'll be in, just call me I'll call you, when they come in, call me." 
I'm very confused. 
It's now two days later and I didn't know if I should call or not today, but now the office is closed for the weekend. I don't even know if my results came back from the lab yet. 
But I do know, that if I am pregnant, I do not want her as my doctor.