Reluctant mom

I must say that even though I wanted a baby and me and hubby were trying, I still felt very insecure and unsure of the whole motherhood thing. I like to drink, sleep lots, play video games spend money on eating out lots so the thought of giving all f that up made me second guess having a baby right up to my delivery. I was so worried I wouldn't be a good mom and sort of got in this mindset that I just couldn't and didn't want to anymore... but now it's been 8 weeks since she was born and I can honestly say I love her more and more each day and love being her mom. I can't even picture life without her now. All the things I am either giving up forever or temporarily don't even matter. When women say the pain and discomfort is worth it they really are right. I fought against these feelings at first, not sure why, but so glad I just finally let my love for her overcome me.