What my night looks like..

With my 4 month old

110AM: fed 4 ounces

125 : diaper change

Kissed her goodnight, put her down she started making noises, screaming,

laughing then crying, then started crying for real for real.

135: i started to soothe her, gave her, her paci and she took it but kept sobbing then kept crying and crying.

145. I picked her up, then try feeding her what she didn't finished and she took half an ounce.

150: wraped her and rocked her. She kept making noises (looking tired but refusing to sleep)

210 put her down. She woke up, started playing with her feet. Making noises, etc. Started crying/making mad noises.

2:28 put in her paci, she is finally quiet but kept tossing and turning.

2:40 she is quite, maybe sleeping? Idk I'm on the floor needing to use the bathroom but scared of the squeaky floors! Lol

2:45 nvm she is awake😢

Yep long night..