love you 💙

Demi • My First Born Child Kairo 💙

Dear our first born Son Kairo, 

When I first found out I was pregnant with you things just changed inside.. I was so shocked but yet so happy. I can't really describe the way I felt to well. I then told you're dad and I believe he was scared. I feel it had taken us both so long to realise you were growing inside me every minute we felt certain way. But that's ok. I know for sure me and your dad wouldn't change it for the world. 

Your dad then decided to share the news with your family. granny was shocked and very surprised and grandad had dreamed about you coming not long ago. I know they love you so much. Kairo I'm sure you hear us talk about you every single day, Every one is so excited your almost here. but please don't rush take your time and grow the way you need too. 

Auntie Kandene, your godmother chantee and Granny is planing a baby shower for us. I'm super excited! I cannot wait to show you all the pictures of our shower for you. 

I know your daddy can't wait to get you on the PlayStation lol. (Good luck) daddy loves his gaming I'm sure you'll be just as bad lol. 

Kairo although you may hear mummy & daddy argue on and off ...we love each other so very much. We'd do anything for one another don't ever think different...

Every scan I have I become even more proud of you seeing you grow into such a precious little boy I get to meet so soon. 

I hope you make the right decisions in life son. I promise to protect you and love you and care for you. 

I will give you as much knowledge as I can and guide you through your darkest days. but please respect yourself and others. I love feeling you kick its just amazing... 

Son I could honestly say so much but I'll leave it till your here in our arms. 

Please Stay our strong little man and continue to grow healthy. We got so much love and happiness we wanna share with you and we got so much we want to do as a family. 

Mummy & daddy will continue to work hard until you come and everyday after that. Just rest up & grow strong and will see you very soon. We love you loads & loads 😘💙💪🏽💙