Importance of condoms.

Please do not give me a lecture or nasty comments as I am disgusted in myself as it is, I just want to take the time, especially for the young ones to share my story. I'm 20 years old. When I was younger, I slept around a bit and didn't use condoms. BIG MISTAKE. I now have both herpes and genital warts and I can tell you they are NOT pleasant, I'm often in pain and in tears. I honestly REGRET having unprotected sex. I'm just lucky to have an amazing partner that helps me through everything. PLEASE ladies, if you meet a new partner, USE PROTECTION until you BOTH have been screened for all stis and viral infections, I wouldn't wish my condition on my worst enemy. I am not saying don't have sex with multiple people, do what makes you happy (as long as you're not hurting anyone else in the process). But always use condoms, and if you DO have an sti or std, PLEASE PLEASE tell your sexual partner before you sleep with them, it is NOT fair to pass something on to an innocent person. Rant over.