Line or no?

Does anyone else see a very faint line or is it just me? I wasn't paying attention to the time and I looked at it 2 or 3 mins past the 10 min mark but I don't know if that short amount of time would make a difference. I just had a miscarriage 2 months ago so my cycle is still out of wack and I don't know when my next period is due this month. My last period was from Jan 31st to feb 12th. According to Glow, I ovulated on the 16th through the 22nd. We had sex on the 20th and that day was the higher chance of me conceiving. Glow calculated my period to be about 3 days ago but it still hasn't showed up. But like I said, I'm sure my cycle is still out of wack lol. It's been 2 weeks  since the 20th so if I am, shouldn't it be getting darker soon?