Rant about dad's who put on a show while in public

I'm so freaking annoyed. When we are are home my SO literally doesn't do anything to take care of our son. But let us go out in public he honestly gets right in the middle of what I'm trying to do to take care of our son..so he can do it. He acts like he does it everyday also and I'm about to chop his head off bc I know he does it just to show off.

I decided to take us out to eat as its our anniversary. Kids came but they are into their tablets (bww) so I figured it would be a great place bc kids are busy and we can still talk

..but NOPE. unlike him I can multitask while taking care of the baby... I was just about to feed him n I look up and there he goes feeding the baby...100% into our son (which I don't mind) BUT IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY AND I'M LITERALLY SITTING AT THE TABLE STARING INTO SPACE BC HE'S BALLS DEEP INTO PRETENDING HE'S A GOOD DAD. It's a joke. I asked him if this means he's going to start helping me feed him at home...he said why I said bc you don't do it at home...if you're wanting to do it here then I'd like to see all this help carry over into our homelife. Now he's upset and being a dick. Guys suck! Sorry ladies I had to vent and get this out there!