Advice needed?

Honestly I'm not even sure I need advice and I'm not even sure where to start...
My mom and I have been close our whole lives...until last summer when my son was born. She didn't help at all, she just made our lives hell. I let it go but our relationship hasn't been the same. She and my sister had a falling out (long time coming) and her and my father kicked her out and do not speak to her. I don't agree with it but I keep my opinion to myself. I've noticed my mom has a huge personality change. We don't live in the same state so I don't see her often. I know mental illness runs in our family so I feel like maybe she has depression or something? Either way no matter what I say she becomes critical. Today, we spoke about my sons first birthday coming up. I decided to have pictures done and the best deal we could find was $180 for the shoot. We spend 4x more on my daughters first birthday 3 years ago......and she told me it's crazy and I should just go to Walmart for $10.99. I feel like what she's saying is getting more and more inappropriate. Almost like she's a kid and doesn't know when to just shut up. There's lots of things she does that I don't agree with but I keep it to myself. There's no taking or reasoning with her- she shuts it down really fast. I feel like as the days go on our relationship is getting worse and l worse. I have anxiety every time I get off the phone with her. I'm starting to not even want to talk to her because it's always so negative.