Esther Rayna was born today at 12:16pm, 5lbs 3 oz and 17"

Esther Rayna was born today at 12:16pm, 5lbs 3 oz and 17". She's healthy and scored a 9 on the APGAR. I labored for about three hours after they started pitocin, but it made my contractions basically nonstop and Esther wasn't reacting to them well and I wasn't progressing so we almost did a c section then. We decided to do the epidural and stop pitocin which calmed Esther down and gave me a break from the nonstop contractions. However, she started having trouble again and we made the decision to have a c section since there was still no progression. She came out screaming and hollering and is great! So now I'm feeling the pain from the c section, but am otherwise great. :-)